This WA helps you quickly solve the maze in the Mists of Tirna Scithe dungeon.
For this WA to work optimally, you need to download extra textures. It will still be functional if you don't, though. See images for a comparsion (4th image is without textures).
Download the ZIP file below. Extract the MAZE folder to your World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface folder. This means the full path of the textures should be World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\MAZE\000.blp" etc.
You need to restart after installing these textures. Reloading is not enough.
Download links (pick one, they are the same file):
How to use
TLDR: Click on a pedestal (circle) to select it. Select the correct icon, rinse and repeat for each of the four pedestals. The arrow points to the pedestal you should take. Click Next when you go into the next room. You can shift-click a pedestal to force select it without filling in the pedestals.
The WA will show up once you enter the Mistveil Tangle subzone, or when you type /maze in chat. It will hide automatically once you engage the Mistcaller boss, when you manually close it by clicking Close, or when you type /maze in the chat again. Note that the /maze will only work inside the Mists of Tirna Scithe dungeon, remove the Load condition if you want to test it outside the dungeon.
The four circles in the WA represent the four pedestals in the dungeon. The positions of the WA pedestals correspond to positions of the in-game pedestals relative to the entrance (unless disabled in Custom Options). Initially each pedestal is marked with a ?, indicating that information for that pedestal has not yet been filled in. The blue border around a pedestal indicates that you are currently filling in information for that pedestal. You can click on another pedestal to select it, and start filling in information for that pedestal.
In the center of the WA you can select which icon each pedestal has. Alternatively, by enabling Show individual property toggles in the Custom Options, you can select the three individual properties of each icon (whether it is a leaf or a flower, whether it has a circle around it or not, whether it is colored in or not). Note that the Show individual property toggles behavior is used by default if you have not installed the textures.
Once you have selected the properties of a pedestal, you should see that the ? on the pedestal has been replaced by an image of the pedestal (or a checkmark if you did not download the textures). This information is also sent to party members that have this WA, so you can split up and have different people fill in different pedestals. Once all four pedestals have been filled in, you'll see an arrow pointing to the pedestal which you should take.
When you walk into the next room, press Next (or Reset if not using room specific pedestal positions). This button click is also applied for your party members. You can shift-click a pedestal to select it and go to that room, without having to fill in the icons first. This is useful for example for the first room, where you can simply follow the boss, or when your party finds the solution outside of this WA.
Why is the WA not loading?
Are you using a non-English WoW client? There's a good chance I did not add the locale strings for your language yet. If you woud like me to add it: run /dump GetMinimapZoneText() in chat when you are inside the maze, and post the exact string. If the WA does not disappear when engage the Mistcaller boss, also send me the exact name of the boss.
Why do I only see checkmarks, and not the actual pedestals like in the first three images?
You probably did not download the textures, did not place them in the correct spot, or did not restart the game after installing them.
I found a bug or have a suggestion
Leave a comment!
Thanks to Omny ( ) for providing an image with the rooms mapped out, it made my job of mapping the maze out easier!