Exports MythicDungeonTools routes into simc raid events. Discord Jayeasy#5077 to report problems.
Most existing modes for simming dungeons try to create a very generalized dungeon experience with time based add spawns. Instead, this mode spawns mobs using actual hp amounts found in game and grouped together in pulls. The mob lifetimes are then determined by how fast the sim actors actually deal damage to the spawned enemies.
For an alternative source of the pull event sim input that this WA would provide, definitely try out the "Simulate" option on https://keystone.guru/ for easy to use predefined routes and simc export all in one. Additionaly for patreon subs they offer advanced features like distance based pull delays for the most realistic dungeon sims.
Basic Usage:
Change these options as you see fit in custom options:
Thundering Mark Duration: How long to keep the Mark of Lightning if it is applied on the pull. By default every pull will use the value of this option but can be changed individually in the text output.
Minimum/Maximum Delay: A range of seconds that will be used to generate random delays that simulate running to each pull in the route.
Can be used with any Raidbots sim mode where Expert Mode exists. Paste your /simc profile into the inputs as usual, then enable Expert Mode and paste the entire output of the new "Simc Export" button result into the Footer section of Expert Mode.
Advanced Usage:
The export contains sim options and a raid event list that matches the active route, for the full raid event documentation see the SimC Wiki:
Each pull can be configured with these options for a more realistic run:
- The buff overrides at the top beginning with override. should be changed to 1 if your group composition will provide that party buff.
- The delay values on each raid event line should ideally come from logs of past dungeon runs to establish approximate travel times to the pulls.
- The bloodlust option on each raid event line forces a bloodlust cast at the start of that pull.
By default the "Simc Export" button exports all mobs with a fraction of their hp to simulate a single player's dps contribution to the dungeon using just one character profile. This currently defaults to 27% which is a rough average based on logs, but can be configured with the "mob health %" input box. This value must be from 0 to 100 and should only be changed if you're sure you know what you're doing.
For example, this set to 100 would export all mobs with full hp in the case you were going to sim a full dungeon run with 5 character profiles. In the case of simming multiple profiles together, the single_actor_batch option should be changed to 0 and the mob health % input should be increased (doubled for 2 dps players etc.) accordingly to increase the mob hp.