Medivh Interrupt Helper

Medivh Interrupt Helper


A little tool made to help with what to interrupt on Shade of Medivh in Upper Karazhan, as it can be hard to coordinate it in a pug group and on top of that, imperfect groups (not many melee interrupts, lack of rogue/warlock to slow down casts or not utilising it, lack of defensives/personal usage, overlapping interrupts etc.) make the fight even harder.

Problem is, Frostbites should normally always be interrupted, but if you only interrupt those, you'll run into issues, and those issues depend on your group, what you can handle, and the key level. However, interrupting the other spells isn't required in every situation, and interrupting everything can make you run out of interrupts for something crucial or a bad overlap/RNG.

So, this WA helps with a thick progress bar that shows the interruptible spells Medivh is casting, and shows in various ways whether that cast should or shouldn't be interrupted, based on your custom setup that suits your group and key level.

A regular cast will just be a bar in faded, faint red.

A cast that's set to be interrupted will be yellow-orange, with a pixel glow around the progress bar, action glow around the icon of the cast's spell, a red Interrupt text appears above the bar, and a sound plays (customisable) if your interrupt is actually available, or will be available before the cast finishes. This does not dictate your group's order, you still have to figure out what the order your interrupts will be in, this'll however help for whoever is next to interrupt with what to actually interrupt, because most people probably are not aware of context like what debuff someone a cast is going on already has and whether they can handle it in that moment or not.

Hopefully the screenshot of the Custom Options explains it well (showing the default options the WA comes as), but here's the idea.

So, Frostbites are always part of the rotation of course.

With Inferno Bolts, technically singular casts in a vacuum don't need to be interrupted until very high key levels, if you're not avoiding them already with movement. However, even at moderate levels, there are a few situations where someone getting an Inferno Bolt can result in their death, e.g. getting a bolt when you have Flame Wreath on you, getting even just a single bolt during Ceaseless Winter (in case you don't immediately clear the stack with movement, like midst cast, and take 1-2+ ticks of damage from it), or say two bolts in a row on the same person (where the previous one left a heavy dot on you and you might not be fully healed yet and will die from a second). This WA should give you options to flexibly set up a way you want Inferno Bolts to be included, the default is set to second one in a row on same person + one going on someone with Flame Wreath + all during Ceaseless Winter. You can even fully avoid the bolt with movement, in which case you can just completely exclude them if you want (by setting drop down to none and unchecking including it during Ceaseless Winter, although I imagine in most cases you'd still want to keep including it on someone with Flame Wreath checked).

With Piercing Missiles, every time one finishes channeling your tank gets a debuff stack from it that increases damage taken from the next one and already hits hard, so depending on your key level and tank you might want to include them in your interrupt rotation, however if you can get away with letting some through that'll help a ton with having interrupts for other casts on the rest of the group. You can set a slider on how many stacks you want your tank to have, setting it to 0 means they'll always be part of the rotation (in case your tank can't even handle a single cast anymore), by default it's set to 1 (meaning if your tank doesn't have a debuff stack yet, you can let one through, otherwise not), or higher (in case your tank can handle more stacks/key is lower level/you need to save on interrupts).

Haven't gotten a lot of chance to test it thoroughly yet, feedback on functionality and any adjustments is more than welcome!