Does the long loud meow when Afterimage appears, with a large visual graphic of text saying 'Afterimage Up'. This is better used with an interrupt nameplate order, as this is just announcing the add is currently spawned.
You'll want to set the Afterimage as your Focus Target, as it helps to be set every time she respawns after initial death.
A focus + interrupt macro will do this without you having to find her nameplate manually.
(sidenote: her name changes to 'Afterimage of Baroness Frieda', so '/target baroness frieda' by itself will not work.)
--------- OR other option below. (The way I do it, and most of my guild)
This is a semi-standard interrupt hotswap macro, replace 'Skull Bash' with your classes interrupt ability.
This will make you target the Afterimage, Interrupt it, and Swap back to your last target, or if Baroness is still up, will just target and interrupt her.
So its very safe to use at any point in the fight. As it will interrupt both of them.
If that is confusing, just try it, its fantastic. I pwomise.
/tar Baroness Frieda
/tar Afterimage of Baroness Frieda
/cast Skull Bash
---------- Optional final line change in macro below, this is depending on kill order, you'll know if you need it.
/tar Baroness Frieda
/tar Afterimage of Baroness Frieda
/cast Skull Bash
/tar Baroness Frieda