Outputs a message to your local chat when someone pings the minimap.
If anyone (repeated or unique) pings the same place (within a configurable sized circle [i]and[/i] within a configurable time period) it will not be reported, to prevent spam.
I made this for the Illidan phase on Kil'Jaeden in Tomb of Sargeras and during Nether Disruptor Portal farm raids for the sole purpose of detecting any form of player that is pinging when or where they shouldn't be.
Inspired by the addon PingSnitch.
- Rewrote the entire aura. I made this thing a while ago and I've learned a lot since then. I've used this update as an exercise in sharpening my code abilities. Functionality should be identical, please report if it is not in any way.
- Expanded Custom Options to cover the chat message settings. The string is formatted incredibly similar to WA display strings.
- Now only shows one ping when in a raid. As this is a Blizzard bug, there is now always a 0.1s throttle between pings of the same player regardless of settings.
- Added Custom Options (AoE Only mode is not recommended, but added for sake of completeness).
- Made ping throttling on a player-by-player basis (can be disabled in the new Custom Options).
- Fixed first ping error caused by a copy-paste failure on my end.
- Cleaned up WA
- Reimplemented timeout period.
- Real compass direction detection (last version was super hacky). Code courtesy of https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/49290/whats-the-best-way-of-transforming-a-2d-vector-into-the-closest-8-way-compass-d
- Fixed distance to ping.
Known bug(s):
- When using too low of a throttle time or disabling the throttle out-right sometimes pings are duplicated. This isn't so much a bug with my aura as it is a Blizzard quirk. The API reports both when you click the minimap and when the server knows that you have clicked the minimap. I have attempted to filter this out as much as possible, but even with the best possible method of filtering there would still be situations where the server's ping will show up anyway. I do not know of any other potential solution.