Missing Consumables (cstix fork) --windfury fix


****I am not the original author****

Aurokin is the author of this amazing Weakaura: https://wago.io/s5JzbZMSi (It also checks MH weapon enchants for Alliance players)

This fork makes the following changes:

-Fix Elixir of Fortitude itemId

-Added: Monster Omelet

-Added: Tender Wolf Steak

-Added: Dragonbreath Chili

-Horde Weapon Enchant fix: Since Horde have windfury totem, this version ignores missing sharpening stones on Main Hand.

**Unfortunately this breaks MH stones for alliance, use Aurakin's version or see below**

If you are alliance but still want the other fixes/additions, you can change it back if you like:

Go to Options-->"On Init"-->Expand

Scroll down about 3/4 of the way and look for the line that has the "--horde fix" comment

Change "return true and ohActive;" on that same line to "return mhActive and ohActive;"

TODO: Add MH check as user option

TODO: Allow user to add their own consumables in user options