Newest Update: 16 Jan 20:39
To use this WeakAura you have to download the following icons:
You put the folder into your /retail/Interface, such that the Icons Room1.tga - Room20.tga are in the folder /retail/Interface/MazeIcon (e.g. Interface/MazeIcon/Room1.tga)
How to use in short:
Click on Symbols on the Left to figure out the right door
Click on the Button with the right number (check Minimap and the WA picture - Zoom in on your Minimap, that makes it way easier to compare)
If only one DoorButton is colored green don't check Symbols, just check on the Minimap where to go
Repeat until you're at the Boss
You find all Custom Options in the WA "MMN_MazeController"
You can change Positioning of everything as much as you want to
You can resize everything. Just make sure the size of MMN_Game_Buttons and MMN_Game_Model are the same
Other things, like Textfont/size, glows/borders/other Standard WA stuff you can change as you would on normal WAs
How to use in depth:
Kill first Boss, walk down to the Maze and watch where the second Boss is going. That's the first Door, you don't need to check any Symbols on this one
Click Start and Zoom in on your Minimap and check which Number the Room behind the Door has on the WA Picture and click the corresponding Number and enter the next room.
For the first few Rooms - depending on how lucky you are with the path - you need to check the Symbols.
Look at the Symbols and click the corresponding Symbol (e.g. Full Leaf Circle) on the WA. If one Glows green, you know the right one.
Probably double check the door with the Symbol and enter it. While entering you can check again the Minimap and the WA Picture and you can click the Button corresponding to the Room you're going in
Repeat until only one Door Button is colored green instead of multiple yellow ones. At this point the Symbols on the left disappear unless you have deactivated that feature. You only check the Number on the green Button with your Minimap and the WA Picture and go into that door. But be careful, some are not that easy to see. E.g. the step from 4 to 9 is not that clear to see. Take your time if you're not sure.
Repeat until you're at the Boss. I don't recommend you using the Symbols for the Bossfight by clicking Start again.
You can press Hide anytime if the WA disturbs you infight
You can press Back if you accidentally clicked a wrong Number
More info if you want to know more about this WA/Maze
Colors on Text:
This info could be really useful to MinMax Cooldowns, espacially if your path is known and the text above the WA Picture is complete because you can plan Cooldowns for each room and know how many Rooms are left to the boss and where a Miniboss might be.
In the Rooms 17, 18, 19, 20 are 5 Mobs instead of 4, if that might matter to you.
In this Room is a trash Pack
In this Room is a Miniboss or a Trashpack (% depends on your path but to make it simple it's about 50%)
In this Room is a Miniboss
In this Room is the Boss
Colors on Buttons:
Pretty clear anyway. You can MinMax the Symbols you need to check with that info, but i wouldn't recommend thinking about this too much.
This is the only possible Way to go
This could be the Way to go
This Way is 100% false
If a Symbol isn't the right one it will be colored red. This function isn't working 100% right now, not every false one will be colored red yet
If a Type, like "Full" is the right one and no Full Symbol is clicked, every Full Symbol will be colored green. You just know then, that the one you didn't check is the right one
Will probably improve the code behind the Symbols soon, such that you sometimes need to check less Symbols
Even mooore Info - Take Care! Probably useless Info
If you have 2 Miniboss Rooms (9, 10, 11, 14, 15)in your path only the last one you cross can be a MiniBoss. Don't think there is a Path, where you know that inbefore
Don't get confused on Room 16, cause there is no Mist you need to go through on the next door. It's only one Door anyway and it bugged a bunch on Beta before they changed that
Rooms North and South might have doors, where you will NEVER go through. That's e.g. in Room 4 the Case, which i talked about above.
Don't forget to drag the Dragon Miniboss out of his Healing Pool :P
There are 12 Paths that differ in Rooms and 21 Paths if you take Mobs into account (Miniboss vs Trash Pack)
You can get 92, 96, 100, 108 or 112 count in the Maze and there is nothing you can change about it.
Dragon Miniboss can be in Room 9 or 10. The Plant Miniboss in 11 and the Frog in 14 or 15
If you think there are any mistakes or you have an idea, what could be better, just write a comment or message me on Discord: "JPG / Omny#5189"
[16.1 20:39] v.2.0.7: Fixed a Bug with the new WA Version
[25.12 15:59] v.2.0.5: Added Custom Option to translate Symbol types and change the Seperator Symbol
[7.12 1:46] v.2.0.3: Now the Symbols show Numbers, when you click them to remember in which order you've clicked them
[2.12. 5:08] v.2.0.2: Yell chat works now
[2.12. 4:52] v.2.0.1: Fixed oopsie
[2.12. 4:47] v.2.0.0:
Added Buttons for Symbols to help you out the first few doors until the path is known :)
Fixed plenty of potential bugs and weird stuff how i handeled them
[25.11 4:07] v.1.1.3: Fixed Glow Bug. Fixed Bug with new WA functionalities
[19.9 20:46] v.1.1.2: Fixed Bug with Glow (Everything worked fine but the WA threw Errors)
[13.9 7:11] v1.1.1: Fixed Bug, with "Back" Button: Glow didn't reset and Buttons weren't clickable
[13.9 6:53] v1.1.0:
Added "Back" Button to undo a move
Added "Hide" Button to hide the Picture and the Buttons below
Added Path prediction -> it will show you the whole path above the minimap, whenever the path is set
Added Custom Option, that you can make a button glow, when it's the only possible one. (Active by default)
Changed Button Texture
[13.9 4:01] v1.0.5: Moved custom colors into "MazeController". I'll keep all custom options in this Weakaura
[10.9 17:47] v1.0.4: Fixed that the Icon was resetting, when an aura was applied to the player (was using aura trigger to have automatic icon on the WA, now i use spellcd on no spell)
[10.9 17:34] v1.0.3: Fixed that Room 17 is conected to Room 18
[9.9 19:16] v1.0.2: Moved position a bit down (was hidden by buffs sometimes i think) and changed frame level
[9.9 8:36] v1.0.1: Set loading conditions to 5man Dungeons and the Zone to the Dungeon
[9.9 8:30] v1.0.0: Released WeakAura