-fixed Jade Serpent Statue's channeling indicator
-added duration bars for DampenHarm, DiffuseMagic and ManaTea
-added duration bar for Jade Serpent Statue's channel of Soothing Mist (not fully working - if you recast Soothing Mist on the same target the duration of the channel extends up to 32.5 seconds instead of 25 seconds like with the first cast so the bar is 7.5 seconds to short)
to get the same look please install "AddOnSkins"
my HUD for MW Monks
DampenHarm (icon)
DampenHarm-Active (aurabar)
DiffuseMagic (icon)
DiffuseMagis-Active (aurabar)
HealingElixir (icon)
ManaTea (icon)
ManaTea-Active (aurabar)
LifecycleVivify (icon)
LifecycleMist (icon)
TeachingsOfTheMonastry (icon)
JadeSerpent-SoothingMist# (aurabar)
Revival (icon)
LifeCocoon (icon)
Mana (aurabar)
RenewingMist (icon)
EssenceFont (icon)
ThunderFocusTea-CD (icon)
ThunderFocusTea-NoCD (icon)
Crane (icon)
JadeWind (icon)
JadeSerpent (icon)
JadeSerpent - Active (icon)
ChiBurst (icon)
ChiWave (icon)
LegSweep (aurabar)
RingOfPeace (aurabar)
SongChiJi (aurabar)