Mistweaver Monk Basic -- Kyrian/Venthyr

Mistweaver Monk Basic -- Kyrian/Venthyr


Just saving this here so I don't have to make it later if I lose my WA's.

UPDATED 8/8/22

Venthyr stuff added, changed font, added more trackers, more basic improvements :)

UPDATED 1/1/21

Kyrian stuff Added, Bunch of stuff improved. We out here again.

UPDATED 6/9/20

Should be working correctly again.

Haven't played Mistweaver since the beginning of the expansion so I don't have any of the essences unlocked so it does not track those, but other than that tracks everything else you could need for Mistweaver :)

(except Mana Tea because i am smooth brain :D)

Use with


if you are using Life Cycles talent.


Dampen Harm / Healing Elixer / Diffuse Magic

Fortifying Brew

Summon Jade Serpent Statue / Invoke Chi-Ji

Life Cocoon


Thunder Focus Tea

Renewing Mist

Teachings of the Monostary (with Spirit of the Crane talent)

Rising Sun Kick (with Rising Mist Talent)

Essence Font (Upwelling Stacks w/ Talent)

Paralysis Cooldown


Ring of Peace

Has a Mana/Cast Bar

Does not track…

Essences / PVP Traits