Mistweaver textures (no worries they don't all show up at the same time)

Updated with Kyrian covenant ability, Chi-Ji and Yu'lon duration, removed Mark of the Crane (i cri). The EF + RJW scripts have been updated.

I use these textures in combination with the following other weakaura groups

[MW bars] https://wago.io/3uflAxEvQ

Plus some random icons for trinkets

NB: some only show up in raid, some only in PVP. Some only when you have the relevant talent selected.

A bunch of textures that show up for the following things:

- green left whooshy thing: Renewing Mist is 1 second from coming off cd (includes a blep sound)

- red left whooshy thing: Renewing Mist has 2 stacks! Better mofocking cast dat shit

- purple right feetsies: you have 3 stacks SotM (only shows when Spirit o/t Crane is talented)

- red right feetsies: RSK is off cooldown (only shows when Rising Mist is talented)

- outer outer lightgreen circle: RJW is off cooldown and worth casting (for amount of injured targets in range) ~ credit to Raysere

- outer blue circle: will show up when Essence Font is off CD, there are more than 10 injured targets, and you have the mana to cast it; will show the EF channel ~ credit to Garg/Raysere

- inner blue circle: Mana Tea channel - the last 2sec of Mana Tea turns white to show you should START casting EF there (so break off Vivify if you see that last white bit of the circle and EF is off cd)

- inner green circle: Innervate is active

- inner inner bright-ass yellow/orange circle: Diffuse Magic/Dampen Harm is active

- inner inner white circle: Weapons of Order is active

- inner blue swirly: Arcane Torrent is off CD and you have less than 90% mana (for belfs)

- inner purple thingy in all directions: Chi Burst is off CD

- inner blue thingy in all directions: Chi Wave is off CD (lmao who uses chi wave; idk I'm trying to be inclusive here)


- top purple swishy thing: Paralysis is off cooldown

- blue circle: Zen Focus Tea is active

- light blue circle: Soothing Misting on someone