This is a base aura package for all three Monk specializations. In it you can find auras for monitoring stagger, chi, energy, and mana as well as shared abilities. Be sure to also grab the Brewmaster ( and Windwalker ( packages if you would like them. Mistweaver is still to come.
Included auras:
Dampen Harm - Usable (icon)
Dampen Harm Progress (aurabar)
Dampen Harm - CD (icon)
Windwalker - Touch of Karma - Absorb (icon)
Touch of Karma - CD (icon)
Touch of Karma - Usable (icon)
Tiger's Lust - Usable (icon)
Tiger's Lust Progress (aurabar)
Tiger's Lust - CD (icon)
Chi Torpedo Duration (aurabar)
Leg Sweep - CD (icon)
Leg Sweep - Usable (icon)
Chi Burst - Usable 2 (icon)
Chi Burst - CD 2 (icon)
Chi Wave - CD (icon)
Chi Wave - Usable (icon)
Healing Elixir - No Charge (icon)
Healing Elixir - Any Charge (icon)
Healing Elixir - Usable (icon)
Transcend Swap - Usable (icon)
Transcend Swap - CD (icon)
Roll - Any Charge (icon)
Roll - No Charge (icon)
Roll - Usable (icon)
Fort Brew Progress (aurabar)
Fortifying Brew - CD (icon)
Fortifying Brew - Usable (icon)
Left Energy Text Monk (text)
Right Energy Text Monk (text)
Monk Energy (aurabar)
Background (aurabar)
40 Energy Indicator (texture)
50 Energy Indicator (texture)
53 Energy Indicator (texture)
Left Mana Text Monk (text)
Right Mana Text Monk (text)
Monk Mana (aurabar)
Chi 1 (texture)
Chi 1 off (texture)
Chi 2 (texture)
Chi 2 off (texture)
Chi 3 (texture)
Chi 3 off (texture)
Chi 4 (texture)
Chi 4 off (texture)
Chi 5 (texture)
Chi 5 off (texture)
Stagger Bar (aurabar)
Stagger Paused (aurabar)
Stagger Background (aurabar)