Monk: Brewmaster

Monk: Brewmaster


HUD/Rotation for Brewmaster Monk

Requires Level 100+. Unexpected errors may occur at lower levels.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: This pack uses some fonts and textures from ElvUI, AddonSkins (ElvUI addon), and Details! Damage Meter. If you are not using any combination of these and wish to retain the overall look, I've created a basic addon that loads a few textures and fonts by way of LibSharedMedia-3.0. (Download and extract to your WoW\Interface\Addons\ folder). Combine with to get matching icons.


• ADVANCE WARNING: I'm not a particularly good Brewmaster. These are, like some of my other auras, mostly being done as a request. Suggestions welcome.

• Stagger Bar: The stagger bar is actually Rivers' Normalized Stagger bar (found here ). There is an associated addon that will greatly expand the usefulness of the Stagger bar, however it will display standard Stagger information without. The addon can be found at the link for Rivers' WeakAura.

• Top progress bars for Stagger and Ironskin Brew.

• Blackout Strike aura will glow when Blackout Combo is active, switching to remaining duration of the buff instead of the remaining cooldown of Blackout Strike. To disable it, go to the aura, Action tab, and in Custom code, change aura_env.showComboGlow = true to aura_env.showComboGlow = false

• Rushing Jade Wind aura will change to Invoke Niuzao if talented. If neither are selected, it uses Spear Hand Strike as a filler, couldn't think of anything else to stick there.

• Crackling Jade Lightning will change to Chi Burst or Chi Wave if either of those are selected.

• Progress bars under the icons for current Brew charges. Correctly adjusts for Light Brewing.

• Cooldown bars for Fortifying Brew, Dampen Harm and Black Ox Brew. The bars will adjust if one or neither of Dampen Harm and Black Ox Brew aren't selected.

• Right side bar for current Gift of the Ox orbs, roll charges (changes to Chi Torpedo if talented), and Leg Sweep (switches to Tiger's Lust if talented).

• Left side bar for Transcendence: Transfer, Healing Elixir (switches to Provoke if not using Healing Elixir), and Paralysis.

• Range checking desaturates to a red color when the ability is not in range.

Update - November 30, 2018

• Fixed an issue Gift of the Ox orb counter not working for non-English clients.

Update - October 27, 2018

• Added left side bar for a couple of extra CDs.

• Fixed an issue with Rushing Jade Wind

• Refactored all the things.

Update - August 1, 2018

• Fixed issue with fourth brew charge not acting correctly when using Light Brewing.

Update - July 29, 2018

• Light Brewing support.

Update - July 23, 2018

• Blackout Strike now references Tiger Palm for range checking, because IsSpellInRange() only returns nil for Blackout Strike. It doesn't make sense, and I think it's dumb.

Update - July 18, 2018

• Added an option to turn off the Blackout Combo glow on Blackout Strike.

Update - July 18, 2018

• Updated for BfA prepatch. Should cover all talent changes. Let me know if there are problems.

Update - February 18, 2018

• Fixed errors when using Special Delivery.

Update - February 16, 2018

• Back-end Lua cleanup for readability.


Color Stuff: (ignore this if you like the current colors)

The purple and red desaturation colors can be adjusted in each individual aura. Check the custom triggers, custom duration or custom text (it's set differently in different places for various reasons). Any colors you want to change are in the SetVertexColor lines. It uses percentage RGB, which you can either get from using an online calculator or doing a bit of math with your own calculator.

1. is a great tool. You can convert Hex color or standard 0-255 RGB to RGB percentage. (i.e. 65% = 0.65)


2. Using your own calculator, you can divide your desired RGB value by 255, trim all but 2 decimal places and use that (e.g. 166/255 = 0.65).

Examples (and original values):

…SetVertexColor(0.42,0.3,0.75,1) is the purple desaturated color at 100% alpha (the final value of the 4 values, 1) when an ability cannot be used at the moment (on CD or not enough charges)

…SetVertexColor(0.65,0.22,0.30,1) is the red desatured color at 100% alpha when an ability cannot be used as you are out of range.