Monk: Brewmaster  - BfA ready (8.0.1)

Monk: Brewmaster - BfA ready (8.0.1)


Modified Version of Mnejing's WA (

Main features

- Stagger tracker (Current dmg, current dmg in %, coloring bars depends on stagger amount)

- TargetTarget bar with indicator if you (maintank), Offtank or someone else got agro of boss/mob

- Target Castbar with sound if cast is interruptible

- Big/Small CDs tracker with remaining active/cd time

- Brew tracker (shows how many stacks are available, remaining recharge time, remaining active time, coloring bar depends if brew is active or not)

- Stagger paused (inspired by

- a lot more


Button skin is 'Cirque', from Masque-Addon



11. Iteration

# Made it ready for BfA! (8.0.1)

# Some optical improvements


10. Iteration

# ADDED Stagger paused when 'Blackout-Combo' talent is choosen


9. Iteration

# UPDATED unit frames - they are now always visible because clickable frame cant be shown/hidden while in combat


8. Iteration

# FIXED some bugs in different auras


7. Iteration

# ADDED hide default blizzard UnitFrames (Player, Target, Focus)

# UPDATED UnitFrames with clickable (right, left) mouse feature to simulate default blizzard UnitFrames (thanks to Chruese for this feature)


6. Iteration

# Fixed interrupt sound while targeting friendly unit

# UPDATED Expell harm icon glows if more then 2 stacks are available

# UPDATED text on HP-bars - Top=HP, Bottom=name

# ADDED cutting name if its too long so it wont reach end of bar ("thisisaverylongname" -> "thisisaverylo…")

# ADDED Focus Target Bar


5. Iteration

# UPDATED show blank text if Target doesnt exists


4. Iteration

# REMOVED white texture backgrounds on Player/Target/TargetTarget

# REMOVED stagger dmg count on bar, i use my other WA for this (

# ADDED standard background

# ADDED text on bars - curent HP in percent and curent HP in numbers on left/right side of the bars (see picture)

# ADDED icons for "Transcendence" and "Transcendence: Transfer"

# ADDED black texture background on small CDs like "Taunt", "Transcendence" and Interrupts

# ADDED Pot active timer

# UPDATED Expell harm icon, shows only when stacks are >0

# UPDATED show blank text if TargetTarget doesnt exists


3. Iteration

# FIXED bug while coloring TargetTargetBar; coloring is customizable in TargetTarget_HP - Actions - initialize

# UPDATED backgrounds (border) of bars; are now borders instead of textures

# ADDED white texture as background


ISB Bar (aurabar)

Normalized Stagger (aurabar)

Brew recharge time (text)

Stagger Count Damage (text)

Background_ISB (texture)

Player_HP (aurabar)

Player_background (texture)

Player_Res (aurabar)

Player_background 2 (texture)

Target_HP (aurabar)

Target_background (texture)

Target_Res (aurabar)

Target_background 2 (texture)

TargetTarget_HP (aurabar)

TargetTarget_background (texture)

Target_Cast (aurabar)

Player_cast (aurabar)

CD_background (texture)

Blackout Strike (icon)

Tiger Palm (Brewmaster) (icon)

Keg Smash (icon)

Breath of Fire (icon)

Rushing Jade Wind (icon)

Niuzao (icon)

Crackling Jade Lightning (Brewmaster) (icon)

Chi Burst (Brewmaster) (icon)

Chi Wave (Brewmaster) (icon)

Fort Brew_cd (aurabar)

Zenmeditation (aurabar)

Black Ox Brew (aurabar)

Exploding Keg (aurabar)

Gift Orbs (icon)

Chi Torpedo (Brewmaster) (icon)

Roll (Brewmaster) (icon)

Spear Hand Strike (Brewmaster) (icon)

Leg Sweep (Brewmaster) (icon)

Tiger's Lust (Brewmaster) (icon)

Provoke (Brewmaster) (icon)