Monk - Brewmaster by Uri
My first iteration for Monk - Brewmaster
I don't like the other Weakauras for Brewmaster, I think that they have information that is not necessary, so I made my own. I tried to maintain the UI cleanest as possible.
Important things:
- I didn't display the % of stagger, instead damage per tick (not per second) is displayed and colored (green/orange/red)
- Important abilities are highlighted when are ready
- Cast bar for the current target with Interrupt text
- Blood Lust tracker bar
- Roll/Chi torpedo with progress texture
- Big defensive abilities like Dampen Harm are displayed as icons and a amount of seconds that they are up will be displayed too
- Purifying Brew charges with two icons
- Celestial brew shield amount and stacks of Purified chi (Thanks to Translit -
I don't track Shuffle passive, practically is always up, should I?
Any suggestion will be appreciated