Compilation BrM UI.
The health/ stagger/ heal bar in the gif is a separate Weak Aura found
Most of the original work in this comp comes from Jixel's "Monk Brewmaster Helper"
addon found at
I'm not sure which version I started with as I've been running (and modifying) it for several months now. Changes made include
Overall layout modfied to fit the combination health/ stagger/ heal bar linked above
Added timer bars for Brew Stache, Rushing Jade Wind, Chi Torpedo's speed buff, and Swift as a Coursing River's speed buff.
Modified the debuff timers on Keg Smash, Breath of Fire, and Exploding Keg for better visibility
Added an Icon for Black Ox Brew
Added Fjalir's "Tiger Palm as Charges" as an overlay over Tiger Palm -
Included Gambreaker87's Black Ox Statue WA -
Included Redfella's Stagger Paused WA, part of -
Thank you to all of the WA users that share their work! It helps hacks like me pull together something that works despite having no coding skill at all.
Jixel from WAGO - Original base Auras - Monk Brewmaster Helper -
Fjalir from WAGO - Tiger Palm as Charges -
Gamebreaker87 from WAGO - Black Ox Statue -
Redfella from WAGO - Stagger Paused, part of Brewmaster Unitframe -
And to Ranginui who pointed out that I got sloppy and didn't give credits where due when I made this one public. I'd had it set as a private backup originally and wasn't thinking. Apologies to all!