Welcome to my Dragonflight pre-patch weakauras set for Monk. Contained inside are all 3 specs and a modular design allowing you to move it around to suit your needs.
The HUD is broken down into 5 main parts:
- combat buff tracking, things like active cooldowns
- utility cooldowns, defensives, interrupts and mobility
- rotation, main spells in your rotation and respective buffs/procs
- power bars, including secondary power like Chi
- spec cooldowns
Currently on Beta, some talent changes require a full UI /reload to update, hopefully pre-patch fixes this. This module was created using Beta version of Weakauras and tested over the last few weeks of beta however it is very likely that the game version and weakauras versions for prepatch will introduce new bugs. Please feel free to report those here so I can get them fixed as soon as possible.
If you like what you see, feel free to upvote the upload. You can find me over at Twitch.tv/mistifi_ where I can answer any questions you might have about the weakauras and general UI help.