Monk Talent T6


BrM Talent T6:

showtooltip [talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind; [talent:6/2] Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox; [talent:6/3]Keg Smash

/cast [talent:6/1] Rushing Jade Wind

/cast [talent:6/2] Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox

/petattack [talent:6/2,@mouseover,exists,harm,nodead][talent:6/2,@target,exists,harm]

This is a collection of 10 auras:

Rushing Jade Wind (icon)

Refreshing Jade Wind (icon)

Invoke Niuzao, The Black Ox (icon)

Invoke Niuzao, The Black Ox Duration (icon)

Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane (icon)

Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane Duration (icon)

Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger (icon)

Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger Duration (icon)

Summon Jade Serpent Statue (icon)

Hit Combo (icon)