Modified version of Buds' ERT Timers (
Added support for timers after spell-events (SAA, SAR, SCS, SCC)
Added spell count for boss-mod bars without counters
Added reset spell counter variable - Use {reset:X} - Useful for when player1 covers odds and player2 covers evens
Added BigWigs spell-ID variable - Use {bwspell:X} - Sometimes DBM and BigWigs use different spell-IDs for the same bars
Sample Note:
<1> {spell:352368} {diamond} TANK {circle} RANGED {bwspell:352368} {reset:3}
<2> {spell:352368} {diamond} TANK {moon} RANGED {bwspell:352368} {reset:3}
<3> {spell:352368} {moon} RANGED {circle} RANGED {bwspell:352368} {reset:3}
Arthura's Crushing Gaze:
1 - {time:6,SAA:350039:1} {spell:62618} Uggster {spell:51052} Xyliå Lupyonty
2 - {time:6,SAA:350039:2} {spell:51052} Xyliå
3 - {time:6,SAA:350039:3} {spell:62618} Uggster
4 - {time:6,SAA:350039:4} {spell:51052} Lupyonty
5 - {time:6,SAA:350039:5} {spell:62618} Darkpriest
6 - {time:6,SAA:350039:6} {spell:51052} Xyliå
Aradne's Falling Strike:
2 - {time:6,SAA:350078:2} {spell:31821} Grymmbull
4 - {time:6,SAA:350078:4} {spell:97462} Iwreckrogues
1 - {time:30,p2} {spell:316958} Grymmbull ~2:15
5 - {time:2:02,p2} {spell:740} Mamoog
8 - {time:3:08,p2} {spell:265202} Doojoon
9 - {time:3:30,p2} {spell:64843} Doojoon
11 - {time:4:15,p2} {spell:740} Mamoog
12 - {time:4:37,p2} {spell:316958} Grymmbull