M'uru & Kil'jaeden Group - By Sooth

M'uru & Kil'jaeden Group - By Sooth


Group of WeakAuras for M'uru and Kil'jaeden:


Darkness timer - only for DBM


Fire Bloom prespread range check circle

Fire Bloom debuff (player) range check

Watch HP to stop cleave between set percentages: 89% to 85%, 59% to 55%, 29% to 25% (This seems somewhat bugged for some people, where it shows the entire fight. Works fine for me, so somewhat hard to troubleshoot)

Move pet to Shield during Darkness (Hunter)

Darkness countdown precast (6s before, DBM only)

Darkness Cast progress including when to shield

Dragon Shield safe checker (Checks if you're in shield)

Darkness Cast finish & you have Breaths and are ready to spread

Breath: Haste

Breath: Revitalize

Shadow Spike castbar with New Spike warning approximation