Combination of alot of weakauras i've found and setup to my liking/view and wanted to share my ideal UI!
Detox and racial is on the same spot but i have Detox disabled due to another WA tracking raid members dispels including my own.
Some spells have diffrent Sounds playing when coming back from cooldown // Revival, Renewing Mist, Thunder focus tea and mana tea.
Innervate plays a sound when cast on you also.
Transcendence when cast goes over to Transcendence: transfer and only shows when castable/in range of your clone.
RSK and Blackout kick turns red if you're out of range of your target.
The mana bar goes red at 25%
Progress bar for your JSS soothing cast, Rushing jade wind and Crane.
I have OmniCC that shows the cooldown numbers for the WA's aswell.
Any questions, just write a comment =)
Hope you like it!
RenovaUP (icon)
Renewing Mist Counter (text)
reviveCD (icon)
reviveUP (icon)
AWrat Holy CD 2 (icon)
AWrath Holy UP 2 (icon)
chijuUP (icon)
chijiCD (icon)
chijiDUR (aurabar)
RJW (icon)
RJWdur (aurabar)
Statue (icon)
StatueCD (icon)
JSS Prog Bar 2 (aurabar)
DetoxCD (icon)
Cleanse UP 2 (icon)
Blessingwing 1 2 2 (progresstexture)
Blessingwing 1 4 2 (progresstexture)
EstChi (icon)
EstChiUP (icon)
ChiWave (icon)
ChiWaveUP (icon)
Fireblood (icon)
Fireblood 2 (icon)
EdM 1 (progresstexture)
EdM 2 (progresstexture)
EdM 3 (progresstexture)
Deffuse_Magic||Dampen_Harm_B (icon)
Diffuse_Magic_Deffuse_Magic||Dampen_Harm_M (icon)
Diffuse_Magic_Deffuse_Magic||Dampen_Harm_M 2 (icon)
Dampen Harm (icon)
Dampen Harm 3 (icon)
Healing Elixir (icon)
Fortifying_Brew_B (icon)
Fortifying_Brew_M (icon)
Fortifying_Brew_M 2 (icon)
Paralysis_M (icon)
Paralysis_M 2 (icon)
Leg_Sweep_M (icon)
Leg_Sweep_M 2 (icon)
Ring_of_Peace_M (icon)
Ring_of_Peace_M 2 (icon)
Song_of_Chi-Ji 2 (icon)
Song_of_Chi-Ji 3 (icon)
Roll_M 2 (icon)
TFT (icon)
TFT 2 (icon)
TFT Active (icon)
Transcendence:_Transfer_M (icon)
Transcendence_M (icon)
Transcendence_M 2 (icon)
Monk_Mana_Bar (aurabar)
Upwelling (icon)
Rising_Sun_Kick_M (icon)
Blackout_Kick_M (icon)
innervate_B_Monk (icon)
Mana Tea (icon)
Mana Tea 2 (icon)
Mana Tea 3 (icon)