M+ Weakaura group for Mistweaver monk. All sounds involved in this weakaura pack are custom soundfiles I created, so by default none of these auras should have any sound
-Mana bar
-White border indicates Faeline Stomp is off cooldown
-Red border indicates Faeline Stomp is currently on cooldown
-Temporary border glow indicates Faeline Stomp has come off cooldown (or procced a reset)
-Dark blue mana bar indicates missing Awakened Faeline buff (not standing on faeline)
-Light blue mana bar indicates existing Awakened Faeline buff (10.0.5: persists for 8s off of faeline)
-Touch of the Monastery tracker
-Tracks the number of stacks of your ToM buff, as well as the duration with cooldown swipe.
-Black border: 0 stacks
-Red border: 1 stack
-Yellow border: 2 stacks
-Green border: 3 stacks
-Thunder Focus Tea tracker
-Shows when TFT is available for use
-Tracks remaining cooldown duration of TFT
-Glow tracks duration of active TFT
- Sheilun's Gift tracker
-Tracks number of clouds currently available.
-Tracks which lesson buff you activated (and duration) on Sheilun's Gift use, denoted by:
-Dmg: Lesson of Doubt
-Crit: Lesson of Despair
-Haste: Lesson of Fear
-Dupe: Lesson of Anger
-Mana Tea tracker
-Shows when Mana Tea is available for use
-Shows remaining cooldown duration of Mana Tea
-Shows active Mana Tea duration
-Zen Pulse tracker
-Shows when Zen Pulse is available for use
-Shows reamaining cooldown duration of Zen Pulse
-Ancient Teachings tracker
-Shows when Ancient teachings is missing
-Shows duration of current active Ancient Teachings
-Vivacious Vivification tracker
-Shows when a Vivacious Vivification proc is active
-Shows time until next proc triggers
-Mote of Sanctification tracker
-Shows when Mote of Sanctification is available for use
-Shows the remaining cooldown duration of Mote of Sanctification (HoV trinket)
-Broodkeeper's Promise tracker
-Glows when Broodkeeper's Promise is equipped, but not currently active.
-When active, shows the name of current buff target.
-When active shows remaining duration of buff as cooldown swipe
-Invoke Chi-ji, the Red Crane (one minute version) tracker
-Shows when Chi-ji is ready for use
-Shows remaining cooldown duration on Chi-Ji
-Shows duration of current Chi-Ji
-Shows number of stacks of Enveloping Mist modifier buff:
-Red glow: 1 stack (33% reduced cast time and cost)
-Yellow glow: 2 stacks (66% reduced cast time and cost)
-Green glow: 3 stacks (100% reduced cast time and cost)
-Revival tracker
-Shows when Revival is Ready for use
-Shows remaining cooldown duration on Revival
-Renewing Mist tracker
-Shows current number of charges of renewing mists
-Shows time until next charge as cooldown swipe
-Personal kick tracker (disabled by default)
-Shows when kick is available
-Shows remaining cooldown duration
-Tiger's Lust tracker (disabled by default)
-Shows when Tiger's lust is ready for use
-Shows duration of active Tiger's Lust on self
-Show remaining cooldown duration
- Awakened Faeline tracker (disabled by default)
-Works independently of mana bar indicators
-Shows remaining duration of Awakened Faeline after stepping off of Faeline Stomp (<=8s)
-Castbar (disabled by default)
-Shows current cast name
-Shows current cast time
-Shows current cast time predicted latency variance
-The included weakauras that are disabled by default will be overlapping with active weakauras, should you choose to reactivate them. I have them disabled because I don't use them currently, so simply disable them in case I want to revisit them.
-Zen Pulse and Mana Tea weakauras are overlapping, as I virtually never run those talents at the same time, so they fill the same slot.
-If you get double Lessons buffs with Sheilun's Gift, they will overlap. I never double buff in dungeons, so haven't bothered fixing it.