Sorry for the mid season update, but it couldn't wait :)
»» New features
- Season 4 Update
- New code to handle who becomes marker.
- Added Modified Build / Standard Build option.
- Moved some global options to mob level.
»» How does it work?
This WeakAura comes fully loaded to automark all mobs of the Season 4 Shadowlands dungeons for you, and it's up to you, the user, to configure it to fit your best needs. There's plenty of options that can help you set it up to perfection. There's global settings that affect how the WeakAura behaves, and the tools to also make adjustments on an individual mob-level.
When a player joins your party, the WA will check to see if someone else is using it. If there are multiple users, it will automatically choose who becomes the marker and it's based on the following order:
Modified Build > Leader > Tank > DPS with highest M+ score > Healer
»» Global Settings
Mark Tank / Healer with »
This option will mark the tank/healer with the chosen mark. Throughout the dungeon whenever you go out of combat it will check if the marks are still applied, if not it will reapply them.
Mouseover Modifier Option »
You can choose between None / CTRL / ALT / SHIFT. None means that it's not required.
Mark Distance Option »
This will allow you to choose between different ranges the automarker will work from. Mark All Targets means that it will mark all mobs. Mark Visible Nameplates will only put marks on mobs if their nameplate is shown. You can also set it work between x - y Yards.
Toggle Marks »
Here you can set which marks you want the WeakAura to use when using the Standard Build. Mob-level priority marks ignore this.
Mark Order »
Here you can set in what order it will mark when using the Standard Build.
Party Priority »
With this option you can choose when you want to become the marker. If your party role doesn't correlate to the option set here you will not become the marker. If it's set to Always then it doesn't matter what role you have, you will always signal to everyone else that you want to automark mobs. If another player has higher priority than you, see below, then they will become marker instead of you.
Modified Build > Leader > Tank > DPS with highest M+ score > Healer
»» Mob-level Settings
Automark »
With this option you choose how you want to mark the mob. Disable means it will not mark at all. Mouseover means you have to either move your mouse cursor over the mob and/or the nameplate. Automark means it will mark as soon as the nameplate appears. Automark + Combat is the same as the last but will also only mark if you're in combat with the mob. You need to generate some threat to the mob. Just hitting it will not suffice.
Mark Distance »
This will override the global setting "Mark Distance Option". Use this option to mark specific mobs that might be far away.
Build Option »
Toggle between Standard Build and Modified Build. See below what each option has to offer.
Standard Build »
You get four priority marks, if all of them are used it will grab the next available mark from the Mark Order option. If you don't want to use the next available mark you have to use Modified Build (see Example 3).
Modified Build »
This is for the advanced user. With this option you can configure the WeakAura to behave exactly like you want. This works on the premise that when you mouseover a mob it will pull the first action from the first row and execute that instruction. After performing that, it will to go the specified row set in "Goto Row". This means that you can set it up to either be a long chain of actions or you can make it loop.
I have included some examples inside the WeakAura that will give you a basic understanding of how to set it up but it's up to you to make it work for your group. If you have any questions just drop a comment on wago / hit me up on discord / whisper in-game.
»» How to add your own mobs
To add your own mobs you first need to get a hold of the NPC id, if you're using ElvUI then this is shown in the tooltip. Otherwise you can get it from addons such as Mythic Dungeon Tools or by getting it from WoWhead or such sites. Then you go to the dungeon which that mob is active in and click the "+" sign from the drop down menu. Insert the name and NPC ID, if a mob has multiple IDs then you have to seperate them with a semicolon(;) and you can't put any spaces between the two numbers.
Found a bug? Want to give some feedback? I'm only one whisper away.
/w Oxenstierna-TwistingNether
Discord: megawatt#7287
Checkout my other WeakAura:
Healing and raid cooldowns :