[Mythic Denathrius Phase 3] BOTH Groups - Raid Leader Version

[Mythic Denathrius Phase 3] BOTH Groups - Raid Leader Version


NOTE: This version is intended only for the Raid Leader or whoever handles calling of movement/positions in p3 via Discord. It will just confuse and clutter other people with info they don't need to see. Everyone else should just get only their respective melee-only or ranged-only version of the weakaura.


These weakauras, in conjunction with the 8 carefully pre-placed worldmarkers pictured, tell your raid exactly where all Seeds (aka "Fatal Finesse") need to be dropped on Mythic Denathrius Phase 3, as well as the bait locations for the 2 nasty overlaps. Two things to note first:

1 - You must have either Bigwigs or DBM (doesnt matter which) installed and running for this weakaura to work. This weakaura displays its text alerts by using the info provided by Bigwigs/DBM

2 - This setup assumes you end Phase 2 with Denathrius and your raid on the West side of the room, before he jumps to the centre to start Phase 3.


Pretty much every guild uses the same "drop to right, rotate+soak to left" strat for seeds, this setup just takes what you already see most kill videos doing - and tries to make it foolproof - by having all your drop/bait locations be worldmarked and exact.

Everyone in the raid need to get just ONE of the following two weakauras, depending on where they are going in Phase 3:

DOWNSTAIRS (Mirror) Group: [Denathrius] Fatal Finesse Melee Group: https://wago.io/-CRv3_IkP

UPSTAIRS Group: [Denathrius] Fatal Finesse Ranged Group: https://wago.io/EDNFHjvzi

The "Melee" group is everyone who goes down into the Mirror realm in phase 3, regardless of what class they actually are. Tanks, melee, their healers.. and any ranged casters your guild happens to also send down.

The "Ranged" group is everyone who stays up in the normal realm in phase 3.

Raid Leader (BOTH groups simultaneously) version: There is also a third version of the weakaura which shows both the Ranged+Melee alerts simultaneously. I would only recommend this for Raid Leaders or whoever handles calling for your positions/movement in phase 3. This can help one person call both phases simultaneously (and reduce the amount of clutter on discord from multiple people in different realms all talking over each other): https://wago.io/4RD7Pu6B2


Dropping the 8 world markers quickly this precisely mid-pull in a symmetrical room on Mythic with shit to dodge before Hand of Destruction 1 grips and disorientates you is tricky…. and you'll effectively waste one attempt having someone trying to doso.

You can either:

Just sacrifice one quick ~4min attempt to drop the worldmarkers then wipe. Do this by running to the South side of the room ASAP when p2 starts and having my ingame POV worldmarker pic open on your second monitor to quickly recreate ingame. Remember to tell all DPS to wait in the mid and DPS nothing, to prevent any of the interrupt adds from Evershade spawning.


Before your raid starts, zone into a full-cleared/extended Heroic instance: drop down the open hole left in Denathrius' P1 room after hes dead, into the downstairs p2+3 portion of where the encounter takes place (have a slowfall/immunity equiv ready or the fall will kill you), place the worldmarkers as pictured, then die / zone back out and switch to Mythic. The worldmarkers you dropped on Heroic will still persist into Mythic, after the switch, as long as you kept the same group.


Credit: I didn't make the original WA's or setup. I just tweaked them and then uploaded it for my guilds progress.

To see these weakaura+worldmarkers in action ingame, 2 of our guilds' POV killvids are:

Upstairs Disc Priest POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U0SCM5gWzU

Downstairs Unholy Deathknight POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWsJHfyDvZk