Mythic+ Text (narak)


Displays the text in the appropriate dungeons for a quick reference to mob%s + misc in routes.


68.2% before going up to Stichflesh.


84.5% to go to last boss room.

75.1% before 2xPacks of Domina


2 packs before Domina = 4.7% * 2

All slimes = 1% (including the ones downstairs after 3rd boss)

For Necros (fleshcraft buffs):

Gushing Slime = 82 nature dmg to all in 10yds every 1 sec

Pestilence Slime = 25% haste

Congealed Slime = 75% dmg reduction


79.5% to go past 2nd boss.


Stoneborn Slasher = 2.56%

Loyal Stoneborn = 1.47%


85.2% to before gauntlet; 89.3% if skipping sentinel in gauntlet.

69% before going down (if clearing all pre-gauntlet).

74.7% before going down (if skipping sentinel in pre-gauntlet).


Proctor Beryllia trash = 5.5%

Pre gauntlet = 4.9% + 5.8%

Gauntlet = 14.8%

Gauntlet (w/o Sentinel) = 10.7%


87.4% to go to Devos.

12.6% total from Astronos, Lakesis and Klotos.

Pre Oryphrion javelin pack = 2.1% * 2 = 4.2%


63.5% total if going ardenweald first, including full clearing mid.

36.5% for full clear Zul'Gurub + Mechagon wings.