Nandalee's Shuffle Tracker + Celestrial Brew

Nandalee's Shuffle Tracker + Celestrial Brew


Reupload of Nandalee's ISB Tracker

Hi all,

Updated for Shadowlands, finally… so Shuffle Trackers are not that important than ISB Trackers were, but I like them anyway, so here we go.

Note: I updated the design regarding CB. Old design is version 1.0.6 and below, you can get those if you click "version" to the left, you can see it in the pic without the glowing circle.

This here is the WA for the left side of the picture, right side here:

I like tidy groups, that's why it's separated.

Blue Ring: Celestial Brew is active.

Orange Ring: Fortifying Ring is active (net seen on the pics, but looks exactly like the blue one, just orange).

Green Spheres: Healing orbs from Gift of the Ox. 5 Spheres -> 5 Orbs Expel Harm can reach.

Expel Harm Heal Ryada (green Heal Text): Amount Expel Harm heals if you use it. Without crit value, of course, so kind of minimum healing done if used right this instant.

Shuffle Bar (blue/grey inner bar): Shuffle duration. Didn't need to change a thing from the original ISB tracker, same BuffID and all :D reusing for the win, Blizzard!

Shuffle Duration (blue number): Shuffle duration in sec

Celestial Brew (Icon): Most of the time, you should use CB on cooldown, so here we go. Text shown is simply the button I use for that. You can change that under the tab "Display", scroll to "Text 1", enter whatever text (or leave it blank) you want in the "Display Text" field. Click okay, done.

CB Bar (dark blue/grey second bar): Celestial Brew duration

CB Duration (dark blue): CB duration in numbers

CB Stacks: Purified Chi counter. Each one buffs CB, up to 200%, max value 10 (hence the /10)

CB Shield: CB Shield value. ElvUI displays that on the healthbar, that's why I decided abainst animating that in a different bar.

You can delete any of these individual parts as you like, they are all standalone WAs and are named according to this list. For example, The healing amount isn't that interesting, but I thought I leave it in in case someone prefers to have it.

The bars technically start a few mms below the actual texture of the bar, resulting in losing about maybe two seconds. The timers on top are accurate though, so I don't think it matters. I quite like the design of this texture, even if it's not intended to be a bar, sacrifices were made :)

Doesn't really matter with the update removing direct control over ISB/Shuffle, either and CB is only 8 secs anyway, so you see almost all of it.

I can't do anything about that, the texture comes with WA2 and is not my own.

Lost the links where I …ehm… borrowed some of the more complex stuff due to accidentally deleting the original, I'm sorry. Ryada fixed my own somewhat wanky version of the heal amount, though, I remember that.

Have fun playin,
