Niuzao Stomp Purify Reminder


Maximize Niuzao stagger damage.

When Niuzao active, shows Purifying Brew CD and glows right before Niuzao stomp comes off CD to remind you to Purify.

Unity Explainer: It's odd because the Unity proc doesn't produce a pet bar or any way to track the Stomp CD. So I make two assumtions: A) Strike with Clarity conduit is being used to increase WoO duration (Warcraft Logs shows this is used by the vast majority of players in Raid combat); and B) during that 12 second window Stomp is being used on CD every 5 seconds. Also added text to the icon to specify if your Niuzao is from the Unity proc or from the Invoke spell, plus exclusionary triggers so they won't be shown overlapped.

If you decide to not use the Strike with Clarity conduit, I'd recommend duplicating the package and subtracting 5 seconds from the timers within the WoO aura triggers and conditions as well as trigger 4 in the Invoke aura. I'm not smart enough to code in those adjustments to be automatic and I don't want to clutter wago with multiple duplicates. You would have to set whatever group you're not using to load never depending on your conduit.

Pairs well with: