Noob's Frost DK Auras

Noob's Frost DK Auras


A set of WeakAuras I use when playing Frost Death Knight. It is specifically aimed towards players using Shattering Strikes, Gathering Storm and Obliteration. Features customised version of the Vulnerable tracker by user:asakawa to display available GCDs during Obliteration buff. This bar is a modified form of the Vulnerable Tracker be user:asakawa.

Icons dynamically reposition themselves depending on whether or not you have taken the Frostscythe talent. (See screenshots)

I make no guarantees that the rotation this set encourages is correct. Please feel free to comment with suggestions and improvements on it.

All icons in general display a sweep for the global cooldown where appropriate. All melee range icons turn red when not in melee range of your current target.

General - Melee-ranged icons turn red when you are not close enough to use them.

Obliterate (icon) - Glows with a Killing Machine proc, displays number of available runes or cooldown until next runes are available. Displays when Frostscythe is not taken as a talent.

Obliterate (Frostscythe) (icon) - Glows with a Killing Machine proc during Obliteration, displays number of available runes or cooldown until next runes are available. Displays when Frostscythe is taken as a talent.

Howling Blast (icon) - Glows with a Rime proc, displays number of available runes of cooldown until next runes are available.

Frost Strike (icon) - Glows when 5 stacks of Razorice are on your current target and otherwise displays runic power as a number.

Frostscythe (icon) - Glows with a Killing Machine proc (unless during Obliteration) and displays number of available runes or cooldown until next runes are available. Only displayed when Frostscythe is taken as a talent. (See screenshots)

Obliteration (icon) - Glows when usable. Displays duration of Obliteration buff and otherwise shows the cooldown of Obliteration.

Pillar of Frost (icon) - Glows when usable. Displays the duration of the Pillar of Frost buff and otherwise shows the cooldown of Pillar of Frost.

Remorseless Winter (icon) - Glows when usable. Displays the duration of Remorseless Winter and otherwise shows the cooldown of Remorseless Winter.

Empower Rune Weapon (icon) - Glows when you have one or less runes available and otherwise shows the cooldown of Empower Rune Weapon.

Sindragosa's Fury (icon) - Glows when you have an Unholy Strength proc, Pillar of Frost active, and your current target has 5 stacks of Razorice, otherwise showing the cooldown of Sindragosa's Fury.

PoF Bar (aurabar) - Displays the duration of Pillar of Frost as a progress bar.

Remorseless Winter Bar (aurabar) - Displays the duration of Remorseless Winter along with the number of Gathering Storm stacks as a progress bar.

Obliteration Bar (aurabar) - Displays the duration of the Obliteration buff as a progress bar.

Obliteration GCD Tracker (aurabar) - Modified version of Vulnerable Tracker by user:asakawa that displays the number of GCDs available during Obliteration, dynamically updating depending on haste levels.

These WeakAuras and all the others that I have written were primarily designed as a way for me to re-learn the system. I make no guarantees that the code is clean nor that there aren't huge bugs.

Credit goes to Ipse, whose base icon with cooldown condition formed the basis of my first WeakAura and all others derived from it.

TODO: Improve rune and cooldown display for Obliterate, Howling Blast, Frostscythe, and runic power display for Frost Strike.