Welcome to my all in one TBC Classic Paladin Suite!
After selecting your talents you will either need to /reload or enter the WA menu through /wa in game for the aura to recognize your new talent setup - This suite is meant to be used for levels 60-70 only.
This suite will always be worked on and is open for suggestion at all times.
You can find my ElvUI import here
What's included in this suite?
General Timers
Shows timer(s) for Crusader and Mongoose, indicates if there is 1 or 2 procs active
Weapon enchant timer shows if your MH is missing a temporary enchant, or if one is active shows which enchant is active (works for Windfury as well)
Swing timer - Using Baranor's Seal Twisting timer
Potion cooldown/uptime
Aura tracking
Mana Bar + MP5 tick timer
Main spells for each spec:
Holy: Light's Grace, Holy Shock, Divine Favor, Divine Illumination
Protection: Holy Shield, Avenger's Shield
Retribution: Crusader Strike, Repentance
Judgement/Seals: Individual timer for Seals, Judgement aura shows duration of your JUDGED seal & the name of what you have judged + CD of Judgement - preview here
Forbearance cooldown
Holy Wrath
Judgement (tracks cooldown,uptime of debuff, uptime of buff and if Judgement is usable)
Avenging Wrath
Hammer of Wrath
Divine Protection
Divine Shield
Lay on Hands
Hammer of Justice
If there is ever any doubt, /reload is probably your best friend.
If you are ever updating the aura group: delete the whole group, /reload, re-import
The skinning is done with Masque and the Masque Elvui-esque plugin; the Display tab is your friend otherwise.
Other TBC Suites
05/02/2021 - None, base launch