Not's TBC Classic Rogue Auras (Level 60-70)

Not's TBC Classic Rogue Auras (Level 60-70)


Welcome to my all in one TBC Classic Rogue Suite!

After selecting your talents you will either need to /reload or enter the WA menu through /wa in game for the aura to recognize your new talent setup - This suite is meant to be used for levels 60-70 only.

This suite will always be worked on and is open for suggestion at all times.

You can find my ElvUI import here

What's included in this suite?

  • General Timers

    • Shows timer(s) for Crusader and Mongoose, indicates if there is 1 or 2 procs active

    • Weapon enchant timer shows if your MH/OH is missing a temporary enchant, or if one is active shows which enchant is active (works for Windfury as well)

    • Swing timer

    • Indicator for when Riposte is usable

  • Main spells for each spec:

    • Assassination: Cold Blood, Find Weakness

    • Combat: Blade Flurry, Adrenaline Rush. Riposte

    • Subtlety: Ghostly Strike, Hemorrhage, Preparation, Premeditation, Shadowstep

  • Other important spells included:

    • DPS related: Slice and Dice, Rupture, Garrote, Expose Armor, Deadly Poison

    • Utility related: Gouge, Feint, Blind, Evasion, Vanish, Sprint, Cloak of Shadows, Cheat Death (cooldown)

    • Consumables: Haste Potion, Thistle Tea


  • If there is ever any doubt, /reload is probably your best friend.

  • If you are ever updating the aura group: delete the whole group, /reload, re-import

  • The skinning is done with Masque and the Masque Elvui-esque plugin; the Display tab is your friend otherwise.







Other TBC Suites


04/14/2021 - Improvements to all groupings, Deadly Poison support and various other small additions

04/08/2021 - None, base launch