Oblivion - Sludgefist - Chain Alpha/Beta Assignment


Made by Romph-Blackrock for Oblivion-Blackrock

Assigns Alpha/Beta pairs for chains. Alpha-assigned players should take a leading role, soaking of crumble circles can be split into zones and assigned to each player group.

Assignment priority:

1. raidlead + X = raidlead always Alpha (defined in CustomOptions)

2. healer + dps = healer always Alpha

3. alphabetical order, first name is Alpha - includes healer+healer combination

You can also configure certain classes to take priority over other classes. Currently implemented are, in descending priority:

- Mage

- Warlock

If you want to assert those priorities, everyone in the raid will have to tick the checkbox or just reimport the aura from you after configuring.

Does not escape special characters; they're always Beta unless names start with the same special character.