ohnodistrollo - retribution paladin

ohnodistrollo - retribution paladin


- added holy power recolor and graphic for Divine Purpose procs

- recolored for visibility

- bars to track crusader strike / zeal. transitions to red as they get close to capping both charges

- judgment and avenging wrath/crusade descend while buffed, ascend while on cooldown and buff missing

- talented cooldowns generally stacked/positioned on other cooldowns from the same tier


ret pally BG (texture)

execution sentence (icon)

consecration (icon)

repentance (icon)

blinding light (icon)

hammer of justice (icon)

rebuke (icon)

eye for an eye (icon)

word of glory (icon)

holy wrath (icon)

wake of ashes (icon)

blade of justice (icon)

divine hammer (icon)

crusade CD (aurabar)

crusade duration (aurabar)

crusade ready (aurabar)

avenging wrath CD (aurabar)

avenging wrath duration (aurabar)

avenging wrath ready (aurabar)

judgment CD (aurabar)

judgment duration (aurabar)

judgment ready (aurabar)

ret1 (progresstexture)

ret2 (progresstexture)

ret3 (progresstexture)

ret4 (progresstexture)

ret5 (progresstexture)

crusader strike CD (aurabar)

crusader strike CD 2 (aurabar)

zeal CD (aurabar)

zeal CD 2 (aurabar)