- chi repositioned when talented into Ascension
- storm, earth, & fire / serenity / touch of death bars descend while active, ascend on CD
- S.E.F. bars transition yellow to red as you near 2 capped charges
- hit combo tracker from Mnejing's windwalker auras https://wago.io/B1H8A9P0W
- capacitor stack tracking (glow on 20)
- bottom row tracks talented spells/buffs
wind monk BG (texture)
wind: chi burst (icon)
wind: chi wave (icon)
wind: energizing elixir (icon)
power strikes (icon)
wind: ring of peace (icon)
wind: black ox statue (icon)
wind: healing elixir (icon)
wind: diffuse magic (icon)
wind: dampen harm (icon)
wind: rushing jade wind (icon)
wind: invoke xuen (icon)
wind: whirling dragon punch (icon)
strike of the windlord (icon)
wind: fists of fury (icon)
wind: emperor's capacitor (icon)
ToD CD (aurabar)
ToD duration (aurabar)
ToD ready (aurabar)
serenity CD (aurabar)
serenity duration (aurabar)
serenity ready (aurabar)
SEF1 CD (aurabar)
SEF2 CD (aurabar)
SEF duration (aurabar)
wind: energy (aurabar)
wind1 (progresstexture)
wind2 (progresstexture)
wind3 (progresstexture)
wind4 (progresstexture)
wind5 (progresstexture)
wind6 (progresstexture)
Hit Combo last spell (icon)
Hit Combo (progresstexture)
Hit Combo Timer (text)