One Button Quick-Switch for Talents/ Gear/ Essences Combination

One Button Quick-Switch for Talents/ Gear/ Essences Combination


Import from here:

This is a Weakaura that creates Buttons in the Players Talent Frame to click and change all of Gearset/ Talents and Essences with one click.

Only loads when in a resting area or have the Tranquil Mind Buff/ Codex Buff.

To change the Name of the displayed Name change the Weakaura Icon Name.

For this to work you need to specify a Gearset in the Equipement Manager and change the Name in Actions > on Show > "Fury AoE" to your Gearset's Name.

To change Talentsetup change in Actions > on Show > "a='2123121'" to your talent build.

To change the Essences you need to find the ID# of your desired essence and change "(23, 115)" the 23 to your essences ID#, 115 (Major Slot) stays as it defines the slot number, same for (5, 116), (6, 117) and (35,119).

Essence ID# can be found here