This is different WeakAuras pack with merging Personal Resource bar.Anyone who tired of messy unit frames should try this. It means it will be very clean ui , you dont need Thick hp bars or shiny big weakauras. This pack has everything you need as outlaw rogue. I personally tried this at m+ beta and i found very useful and simple even near edges.(at edges camera is zooming and you cant see anything cuz of big bars, auras and messy frames).
For use this you need 2 step;
-First, In game select option than select Combat section. At this section check "Personal Resource Display" and "Hide Health and Power Bars".Other 3 option below should be uncheck. (if you uncheck "Personal Resource Display" all weakauras will not shown, the reason of this all weakauras are merged with Personal Bar.)
-Second you need a nameplate addon such as plater, kui or tidy plates. While this pack in development i merge this with plater so i suggest to use plater and i will also add plater profile so you dont need to setup any specific settings. All you need to install plater and import the profile below.
plater profile:
alternative download: