Patch 8.2 examples:
Shows remaining cooldown for every HoA essence and their stacks for example on "The Crucible of Flame".
Shows haste gain in % for "Condensed Life-Force" and stacks until crit buff for "The Unbound Force".
Shows % increased healing support for "The Ever-Rising Tide" and amount of healing stored for "The Well of Existence".
Patch 8.3 examples:
Shows target % health if <= 20% and >= 80% for the extra CD reduce on "Breath of the Dying (Reaping Flames)".
Shows the remaining buff uptime on "Spark of Inspiration (Moment of Glory)".
Shows debuff duration until next cheat death on "Touch of the Everlasting".
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I suggest to use the IconSkins WeakAura aswell, to remove the ugly icon borders :)
If you don't like the size of the aura, please use this option: Group -> Group Scale
This dynamic group supports all Major Essences:
New Essences (Patch 8.3)
•Touch of the Everlasting (Touch of the Everlasting)
•Unwavering Ward (Guardian Shell)
•Spirit of Preservation (Saving Vigil)
•Strength of the Warden (Vigilant Protector)
•Breath of the Dying (Reaping Flames)
•Spark of Inspiration (Moment of Glory)
•The Formless Void (Replica of Knowledge)
Old Essences (Patch 8.2)
•Concentrated Flame (The Crucible of Flame)
•Ripple in Space (Ripple in Space)
•Worldvein Resonance (Worldvein Resonance)
•Blood of the Enemy (Blood of the Enemy)
•Memory of Lucid Dreams (Memory of Lucid Dreams)
•Aegis of the Deep (Aegis of the Deep)
•Anima of Life and Death (Anima of Death)
•Artifice of Time (Standstill)
•Vitality Conduit (Vitality Conduit)
•Nullification Dynamo (Empowered Null Barrier)
•Sphere of Suppression (Suppressing Pulse)
•The Well of Existence (Refreshment)
•The Ever-Rising Tide (Overcharge Mana)
•Life-Binder's Invocation (Life-Binder's Invocation)
•Azeroth's Undying Gift (Azeroth's Undying Gift)
•The Unbound Force (The Unbound Force)
•Purification Protocol (Purifying Blast)
•Essence of the Focusing Iris (Focused Azerite Beam)
•Condensed Life-Force (Guardian of Azeroth)
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