Outlaw Rogue - Roll the Bones Aura Tracker 2.2 - Amorfirion


***LICENCE AGREEMENT*** By using this WeakAura, you agree that you will NOT: 1. Claim the WeakAura as your own work. 2. Rename the authors name into yours. 3. Upload this WeakAura on websites where projects are published such as; Youtube videos, wowhead.com, mmo-champion.com, icy-veins.com etc. If you wish to feature this WeakAura on a website, please display the authors name (Amorfirion) and the wago.io URL it is officially from. To know if the WeakAura you have imported is legitimate, please check the bottom of the tooltip description that it has a URL source exactly like this: https://wago.io/BJ-MYpiJX/10. The last number used in the URL determines the version when it was imported and will be different for each new version. If no URL appears, please delete the WeakAura and obtain it properly from Wago.io website. Lastly, if you encounter any problems with this weakura, please ensure both the WeakAuras addon is updated as well as checking the Wago.io website for a newer version at: https://wago.io/BJ-MYpiJX - Please submit bug reports or your suggestions/ideas for future WeakAura improvements in our Discord: https://discord.gg/Yks2Az8