Just a quick easy rotation helper for beginner Outlaw Rogues.
A quick overview:
Sinister Strike shows IF Combo Points < 5 and Opportunity has NOT procced. Pistol Shot shows IF Combo Points => 3 and Opportunity IS procced. (Just in case you're not running Deeper Strategem) Pistol Shot flashes IF Deadshot IS procced. Roll the Bones shows when a Roll the Bones buff is NOT present. Between the Eyes shows IF Combo Points >= 5 and a Roll the Bones buff IS present. Dispatch shows on IF Combo Points >= 5, when Between the Eyes IS on CD and a Roll the Bones buff IS present.
Adrenaline Rush shows IF NOT on CD
In the GIF you can also see my Deadshot Tracker available below: https://wago.io/r16utj4v7
DISCLAIMER: It is a modified and BFA-ready version of
Therefore it is only fair to say that much of the credit truely goes out to TheJixel.