Paladin: Protection

Paladin: Protection


Protection Paladin WAs

SotR charges and duration, Avenger's Valor tracking (Avenger's Shield boosts next SotR)


- better visibiliity for shield of the righteous


- fixed light of the protector icon

- shield of the righteous bar more visible

- consecration duration more visible

PP: Hammer of the Righteous (icon)

PP: Hammer of the Righteous CD (icon)

PP: Blessed Hammer debuff missing (text)

PP: Judgment (icon)

PP: Judgment CD (icon)

PP: Avenger's Shield (icon)

PP: Avenger's Shield CD (icon)

PP: Consecration (icon)

PP: Consecration CD (icon)

PP: Consecration duration (aurabar)

PP: Consecration off (text)

PP: Consecration off 2 (text)

PP: Light of the Protector (icon)

PP: Light of the Protector CD (icon)

PP: Shield of the Righteous Charge 1 (progresstexture)

PP: Shield of the Righteous Charge 2 (progresstexture)

PP: Shield of the Righteous Charge 3 (progresstexture)

PP: Shield of the Righteous (aurabar)

PP: Avenger's Valor (texture)

PP: Aegis of Light (icon)

PP: Aegis of Light active (icon)

PP: Aegis of Light CD (icon)

PP: Bastion of Light (icon)

PP: Bastion of Light CD (icon)

PP: Ardent Defender (icon)

PP: Ardent Defender active (icon)

PP: Ardent Defender CD (icon)

PP: Guardian of Ancient Kings (icon)

PP: Guardian of Ancient Kings active (icon)

PP: Guardian of Ancient Kings CD (icon)

PP: Avenging Wrath (icon)

PP: Avenging Wrath active (icon)

PP: Avenging Wrath CD (icon)

PP: Hammer of Justice (icon)

PP: Hammer of Justice CD (icon)

PP: Seraphim (icon)

PP: Seraphim Active (icon)

PP: Seraphim CD (icon)

PP: Repentance (icon)

PP: Repentance CD (icon)

PP: Blinding Light (icon)

PP: Blinding Light CD (icon)