Paladin: Retribution Main WA's

Paladin: Retribution Main WA's


This WA is no longer supported at this time.

UPDATE 1/24: Added an Always Shown set of WA's (link provided in comments); tweaked CS/Zeal counter to always show stacks if above 0; added updated pictures

UPDATE 1/12: Added both ring CD's if equipped, moved a few addons around, added links to other ui WA's

UPDATE 12/25: Cleaned up the GCD's appearing outside of combat, general fixes to smoothing everything out



Always Show:

Partial credit goes to @Mnejing and Slootbag for influence of some of the weak aura designs and creation of others! Namely all the Lua code is @Mnejing weak aura set, which can be found here:

For Slootbag WA's, you can find them here:

Set of WeakAuras I designed for my character, sharing it cause I like the design and maybe you will too. I plan on finishing it for all specs for paladin, then doing my other characters.

Includes all talent options and spells; Notifies when blessings aren't applied for the Ashbringer buff; Shows active trinkets; GCD's on main spells in combat

Currently set for being completely hidden out of combat (OOC), although can be easily adjusted if you like having it shown all the time, even faded out a bit. PM me at Xyr#11456 if you have any questions or concerns.

NOTE: I use Elvui skins for weak aura, so the skin of the icons might look different than what appears on your screen

No Blessing of Ashbringer buff (text)

Shield of Vengeance CD (aurabar)

Shield of Vengeance (aurabar)

Divine Shield (icon)

Blessing of Protection (icon)

Avenging Wrath (icon)

Judgment (icon)

Judgment Debuff Time 3 (text)

Judgment Debuff (aurabar)

Crusader Strike (icon)

Zeal (icon)

Blade of Justice (icon)

Divine Hammer (icon)

Wake of Ashes (icon)

Ashes to Dust Debuff (aurabar)

Consecration (icon)

Execution Sentence (icon)

Final Verdict (icon)

Holy Wrath (icon)

Crusade (icon)

Divine Purpose (icon)

Divine Purpose w/ Ring (icon)

Justicar's Vengeance (icon)

Eye for an Eye (icon)

Eye for an Eye Buff (aurabar)

Word of Glory (icon)

Fist of Justice (icon)

Repentance (icon)

Blinding Light (icon)

Racial BElf Ret (icon)

Hammer of Justice (icon)

Rebuke (icon)

Hand of Hindrance (icon)

Divine Steed CD (aurabar)

Spirit Walk 2 (aurabar)

Avenging Wrath Ret Combat (aurabar)

Avenging Wrath Ret Non-Combat (aurabar)

Avenging Wrath Ret Timer (text)

Avenging Wrath Ret Ready Text (text)

Avenging Wrath Ret Ready Sound (text)

Trinket 1 CD Ret (icon)

Trinket 1 Ret (icon)

Trinket 2 CD Ret (icon)

Trinket 2 Ret (icon)