Pangaea7 - Shaman - Totems

Pangaea7 - Shaman - Totems


Per the picture, the Totem set is the bottom most set of Icons. Totems for all three Shaman specs are included. When a Totem is active, the icon has a pixel autocast shine while it is up.

The WA set also includes Shaman weapon and shield auras, like water shield, windfury, flametongue, etc., which will show if missing. The following auras are included:

Water Shield

Windfury Aura (Enh Only)

Lightning Shield

Flametongue (Enh Only)

Windfury Main (Enh Only)

Door of Shadows

Capacitor Totem

Liquid Magma Totem

Healing Stream Totem - Resto

Earthen Wall Totem

Healing Stream Totem - Enh/Ele

Healing Tide Totem

Spirit Link Totem

Mana Tide Totem

Tremor Totem

Earthbind Totem

Ancestral Protection Totem

Windrush Totem

Earthgrab Totem