Parnassus' 2H Horde Warrior HUD + Rotation Optimizer

Parnassus' 2H Horde Warrior HUD + Rotation Optimizer


Displays ability cooldowns, availability and usage reminders.

Highlights optimal skill usage for a hamstring raid spec 2H Horde warrior. The ability usage is based on optimal rotation found in the Guybrush sim program (see screenshot for more information).

Bloodthirst: Use above 30 rage on cooldown, prioritize over Execute at 2000+ AP

Whirlwind: Use above 25 rage on cooldown, while not in Execute phase

Hamstring: Use above 30 rage if BT/WW is on cooldown, while not in Execute phase

Heroic strike: Use above 80 rage

Overpower: Use when available regardless of rage

Bloodrage: Use on cooldown below 80 rage

Unit frames: Shadowed Unit Frames

Plates: NeatPlates
