Pat's aDF

Pat's aDF


This is my attempt at a crude implementation of the aDF (Armor and Debuff Frame) addon from private servers. It tracks Sunder Armor, CoR, Expose Armor, Faerie Fire, and Armor Shatter on your target. It also live updates the armor of your target as debuffs are applied. If you click one of the armor debuff icons while the debuff is not active, an announcement that the debuff is missing will be made in /say

A few disclaimers about the armor updating:

1. The armor updating only works for bosses in BWL, bosses+most trash in AQ40, and almost all mobs (bosses+trash) in Molten Core.

2. Base armor values for bosses/trash that are used for live updating the armor value were pulled from fight club

3. Under the hood, this WA will also account for Holy Sunder in the live armor calculation

4. Expose Armor is assumed to have been applied with 5 combo points and with the improved talent. If the EA is applied without 5 CP or without the improved talent, the armor value on this WA will be incorrect.

This WA is a best effort. Blizz does not allow us to get the armor of your current target which makes things much more challenging. I had to make some assumptions. Feel free to reach out if you have other ideas of how I can make this better!