Pene Cold - Prayer of Healing Spammer WA


  • You need a 26th man with raid assist to install the 26th man WA. (
  • The RL is the ONLY one who needs to install the RL pack. (This one)
  • Putting the RL in Group 1 will help avoid messing up the raid frame.
  • Change the RL Pack 26th man ID to the 26th man's ID. It's in Custom Options.
  • You don't need to change anything else. They are for test purposes and will be removed later.
  • It's not guaranteed that the Discipline Priest will have enough healing with their current gear. Holy is preferred. See the picture; the red marks are core talents, and the blue marks are optional. Allocate the rest of the talent points to Discipline.

How it works:

  • Tanks/Shaman/Shadow Priests are set to not move by default, so they will need healing if they get pene cold'd.
  • Priests will start casting Prayer of Healing on anyone else who gets pene cold'd. They will all be swapped to Group 5 in 0.7-1 second.
