Pet Battle-WQ Helper BfA

Pet Battle-WQ Helper BfA


Pet Battle Helper / Guide for all 24 BfA-worldquests plus Nazjatar (12/12 done) + Mechagon (8/8 done)

Shows up when you target:

- the NPC starting the fight

- the first opponent pet (even if dead)

Focus lies on:

- minimizing the amount of pets needed by the user

- reliability of the tactic

- easy accessable pets (i.e. cageable = on AH) - "Unborn Val'kyr" is sadly hard to get, but very unique and therefore not easy to replace.

Battle Pets used:

20x - Ikky

7x - Iron Starlette

7x - Sprite Darter Hatchling / (or: Nether Faerie Dragon)

7x - Teroclaw Hatchling

5x - Zandalari Kneebiter / (or: Zandalari Anklerender)

4x - Chrominius

4x - Darkmoon Zeppelin

3x - Boneshard

3x - Clockwork Gnome

3x - Mechanical Axebeak

3x - Nexus Whelpling / (or: Stormborne Whelpling)

3x - Unborn Val'kyr

2x - Legs

2x - Scooter the Snail / (or: any Snail/Whelk)

2x - Sunreaver Micro-Sentry

2x - Tinytron

2x - Tranquil Mechanical Yeti

1x - Mojo / (or: any Frog)

1x - Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling

1x - Singing Sunflower

1x - Spawn of Onyxia

Several tactics are based on those you can find at

Go give them a visit.