Physical DPS Consumables Tracker

Physical DPS Consumables Tracker


This weakaura does not show a warning for consumables you do not have in your inventory. By default several weakauras does not take into consideration if you have more consumables with you or not. This weakaura also takes into account that you do not want to be absolutely min / max all the time, it will show which consumables you are missing based on the best you have in inventory. It assumes that everything you have brought with you is up for grabs that day. For example, if you do not have more Juju Power with you it shows the alert for Elixir of Giants instead if you have it in inventory. It only shows the icon of the best consumes you have, not name. For food it checks Smoked Desert Dumplings, Grilled Squid and lastly Blessed Sunfruit.

This weakaura assumes that you prioritize Zanza over Blasted Lands buffets. It does not check if you have an extra Scorpok or R.O.I.D.S. in inventory, but if one of them is active then it does not show alert for Zanza. It shows alert for Zanza if Scorpok or Rage of Ages are not present.