


!!!WARNING!!! This is a WeakAura that:

- has a clickable frame

- adds players being profession-inspected to friends list temporarily for less than a second (if needed)

I tried to handle these two as best I can. If you don't like the above, this is probably not a weakaura for you.


Adds "Get Professions" to the menu when you right-click player names. Works with:

- Chat Frames

- /who

- Friends/Guild List

- Target/Party/Raid Frames

Supported Professions:

- Alchemy

- Blacksmithing

- Enchanting

- Engineering

- Inscription

- Jewelcrafting

- Leatherworking

- Tailoring

- Cooking

- First Aid

Adds "Find Enchanters" to the menu when you right-click your own unit frame. Useful for finding disenchanters in a dungeon/raid group (you can also explicitly ask in party/raid if you prefer that).

Only works on people while they're online!


Why is the weakaura adding friends?!:

It needs a player's GUID to retrieve the profession information. So if it cannot retrieve the GUID, it will try to add them as a friend (enabled by default under Custom Options), retrieve the GUID from friends list info, then remove them. It will not remove them if they were already on your friend's list.

You can disable this under Custom Options if you don't like it, but it should only add friend when you click the button. If disabled, it will use a chat_msg_* caching method by storing the latest 100 player's GUIDs from the chat so that it is usable on the chat frame. If disabled, inspecting professions on the "/who" list may no longer work.


Why use a clickable?:

Ease of Access and Quality of Life? It can be its own addon but I just prefer to code in WeakAuras.


Known issues:

- Holding control down may interfere with the scan (you can use this to your advantage by holding it down for about 6-10 seconds to cancel a scan). See Notes on: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/API_SetItemRef

- Having a right-click menu open may interfere with the scan or it may repeatedly close your right-click menu during the scan

- During the scan, it will open and close (which causes window open/close sound effects) the TradeSkillFrame while going through each profession in the game to see if they have it. The window will also not close during combat.

- Does not check Herbalism/Mining (Smelting)/Fishing. These professions do not have a linkable profession window.

- Skill level printout might be cached and incorrect from a previous scan sometimes.

- Only supports English Client (If you want it to work with other languages, look into "InspectProf.on_chat_msg_system" and spellNames in "aura_env.tbl_profs" )


Keywords: Profession Trade Skill Tradeskill Link Inspect