Potions + Racial Tracker

Potions + Racial Tracker


Various Pots! Can disable Healthstone and Invis potion in custom options as well as racials.

A sound alert when elemental potion of power is ready and in combat, can disable in custom options.

Healthstones show at zero if don't have any and there is a lock in your group. You can also enable to always show in custom options.

Everything clickable except Racials + Healthstones - NOTE: If one of your potions go to Zero amount in your bags, the WA will bug and it won't disappear, this is due to the nature of clickable Weakauras. If you want to remove the clickable function for better performance, please untick the On Init Actions for each weakaura (except the Racial WA). I personally have them not clickable, but due to requests I have posted this WA as clickable.