Power Infusion Manager

Power Infusion Manager


A WeakAura to help you manage Power Infusion requests.

This WA is designed to help you with giving Power Infusion to other players. It's fairly normal that Power Infusion is assigned to particular caster DPS, usually the player that should receive your Power Infusion will have a macro whispering you at the moment he/she wants to receive it.

This WeakAura will:

  • Trigger on Whispers that can be identified as Power Infusion requests and show you a visual icon on screen (and sound) with the name of the requester
  • Sends a whisper to the player that received your Power Infusion to confirm he/she received it.
  • Sends a whisper to the player that last received your Power Infusion the last time when it's ready again.
  • Send a whisper to the player requesting Power Infusion with the remaining cooldown duration in case it's not ready yet.


The following can be configured in the On Init function of the WeakAura (Actions > On Init > Custom Code):

  • PATTERNS_POWER_INFUSION_ASK: The list of chat patterns that could be identified as Power Infusion requests. (upper/lowercase are ignored)
  • ENABLE_WHISPERS: Enable/Disable the whisper reponses, on by default.