Powered's Important Mage Buffs v1.2 - Legion

Powered's Important Mage Buffs v1.2 - Legion


A set of important mage buffs for Legion

Accompanies the following

Fire: https://wago.io/4J5eIc5d-

Arcane: https://wago.io/EyTcJ9ZYb

Frost: https://wago.io/V1hPMCXYb


For any help, you can find me in the Mage Discord channel here: https://discord.gg/ytsJqZU


Update 17 Oct 2016: Version 1.4. Removed Icy Veins as it is now tracked on the frost HUD.

Update 17 Oct 2016: Version 1.3. Removed Combustion, Arcane Power, Rune of Power as these are now tracked on the respective HUDs.

Update 13 Sep 2016: Version 1.2. Removed some obsolete buffs

Update 09 Aug 2016: Version 1.1. Reset position on screen so it's not cluttering the HUD. Made it grow left instead of centered.