Prideful Koolaid

Prideful Koolaid


This WA does 3 things:

1 - Audio 'OH YEAH!' when prideful boss spawns.

2 - Says in /say 'Koolaid on me!' during prideful and you have the Belligerent debuff.

3 - Shows a Kool-Aid man icon w/ countdown of Pridefull buff after boss dies.


Must create a folder at the location below and import the Kool-aid man texture and 'OH YEAH' sound file.

Create in your addons folder a folder named 'Koolaid' (capital K):


Place the .tga image file and the .ogg sound file inside the Koolaid folder. Get them from this drive link:

Note: If game was already running before you added the image/sound files, do a /reload.

Note2: If using the Masque addon, you may need to disable this WA from it under /masque > WeakAuras